Jul 21, 2005 home > topics >.net framework > questions > computer information in vb.net + Ask a Question. Post your question and get tips & solutions from a community of 424,342 IT Pros & Developers. How would I go about getting computer information on my local computer, i.e. Serial number, hard drive size, memory installed, etc. Jan 24, 2013 - Getting Hardware Info in VB.Net. Function for getting hardware specific info such as CPU ID, Motherboard Serial Number, Drive Serial Numbers.
Oho basti dorasani mp3 music. Vb.net - Find harddisc serial number A lot of times you need to get the serial number of the harddisc of the user for all kind of purpeses. Here you can learn how to do it fast and easy with vb.net Here is a copy of the function I used in this software: Public Function GetHDSerialNo(ByVal strDrive As String) As String 'Get HD Serial Number 'Ensure Valid Drive Letter Entered, Else, Default To C If strDrive = ' OrElse strDrive Is Nothing Then strDrive = 'C' End If Dim moHD As New ManagementObject('Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID='' + strDrive + ':'') 'Get Info moHD.[Get]() Return moHD('VolumeSerialNumber').ToString() End Function.
Jul 21, 2005 home > topics >.net framework > questions > computer information in vb.net + Ask a Question. Post your question and get tips & solutions from a community of 424,342 IT Pros & Developers. How would I go about getting computer information on my local computer, i.e. Serial number, hard drive size, memory installed, etc. Jan 24, 2013 - Getting Hardware Info in VB.Net. Function for getting hardware specific info such as CPU ID, Motherboard Serial Number, Drive Serial Numbers.
Oho basti dorasani mp3 music. Vb.net - Find harddisc serial number A lot of times you need to get the serial number of the harddisc of the user for all kind of purpeses. Here you can learn how to do it fast and easy with vb.net Here is a copy of the function I used in this software: Public Function GetHDSerialNo(ByVal strDrive As String) As String 'Get HD Serial Number 'Ensure Valid Drive Letter Entered, Else, Default To C If strDrive = ' OrElse strDrive Is Nothing Then strDrive = 'C' End If Dim moHD As New ManagementObject('Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID='' + strDrive + ':'') 'Get Info moHD.[Get]() Return moHD('VolumeSerialNumber').ToString() End Function.